
Thursday, September 28, 2017

SR Juza Backstage First Class Motorcycle Translation Part 1/2

Admiring Tandem

Part 1 / Part 2 

Characters appearing:

Banri: Haa!? Hyodo is working part time!?

Juza: Shut up.

Omi: Heh, just when I thought you've been coming back home later than usual recently, so that's what it was about.

Juza: It's a short-term job. …even when working, I'll be attending practice properly.

Izumi: Yeah, it's all fine. However, take care of your health!

Juza: 'kay.

Tsuzuru: Juza working part time huh. Something like a mover? Or maybe a security guard, or something in engineering works?

Izumi: Aa-, I can picture that.

Muku: Ju-chan is strong after all.

Azuma: Fufu, even though if you just said I would've introduced you to a nice job.

Tsuzuru: Azuma-san, I'm not going to ask for the exact details, but I think that job is definitely not going to suit him.

Omi: And? What job is it really?

Juza: ….ies factory

Omi: Hm? A what factory?

Juza: A Japanese candies, factory.

Banri: Buhaa!! Hahahaha!! No way! Hyodo is, Japanese candies, Kukuku! Ha, this is bad, my stomach hurts!

Juza: You, you have a problem.

Banri: Because I mean, you, Japanese candies with this face of yours! It's totally a joke material!

Omi: A Japanese candies factory huh, isn't that great.

Tsuzuru: It was a little unexpected, but if it's a factory you don't have to talk so it's fitting for the quiet Juza.

Azuma: Juza also ate happily the Japanese candies I recommended to him. I think it fits perfectly.

Izumi: Yeah, it's true.

Izumi: At any rate, why did you start to work? Like do you have something you want or something

Juza: ….I got a bike handed over to me from a relative. So, I thought about getting a license.

Muku: A bike…!

Banri: What, so your reason is normal.

Juza: Aaa?

Omi: There there. But, is a short term job going to be enough? The cost for lectures in a training institute is quite a lot isn't it.

Juza: I have some savings. If I earn some more, I think it'll be enough.

Muku: Ju-chan, he's one of those people who steadily saves his New Year money after all.

Izumi: That's reliable. It's so like Juza-kun.

Juza: Well, I'm not really into buying expensive things too…

Banri: But anyway, if this guy rides a bike, that’s completely some gang stuff.

Muku: Eh- a, a gang!?

Muku: Can it be that if Ju-chan gets a license and starts riding a bike his personality will suddenly change, and he'll ride around his bike in the middle of the night--

Muku: He will start doing chicken races with his scary friends, then he'll fall over the cliff just near the goal line and that's how it ends!?

Omi: You sure know stuff like chicken race, Muku….

Tsuzuru: That was what impressed you!? Also Muku, calm down!

Muku: And then Ju-chan who was riding in the rain in a hurry will have his brakes suddenly broken, which will lead to a collision with a big truck in the intersection!?

Muku: Awawawa!! That's terrible! What should I do!!

Banri: He sure is going wild, that Muku.

Izumi: (Muku-kun's paranoia has began exploding stronger than usual…!) 

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