
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

R Omi Backstage How Wonderfully Picaresque Translation 1/2

Airhead Cameraman

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Hmm, for today's dinner, what should I make. Should I consult with Omi-kun.

Omi: I see…. Got it. –No. Don’t worry about it.

Izumi: (Ah, he's on the phone)

Omi: Yeah, thanks for contacting me. See you.

Omi: …..Huh.

Izumi: Did something happen?

Taichi: It's rare for Omi-kun to sigh like that~.

Omi: Yeah, there're some problems with the photo contest---

Izumi: A photo contest?

Omi: I asked a girl from my school to be a model, for our club's photo contest. But it seems she has errands she can't cancel no matter what.

Omi: I have to start looking for a replacement now, but the deadline is approaching so I wondered what to do.

Taichi: If that's the case, then I will become a model! Leave the posing to me too!

Omi: Haha, you're so dependable. However, the theme this time is a portrait of a girl.

Taichi: Wah. Just when I thought that my model debut is decided at last…

Omi: Sorry. Even though we have so many men here in the dorms.

Taichi: Ah! If that’s the case, shouldn’t you ask Director-sensei?

Izumi: Eh!?

Omi: You're right, just under the nose.

Izumi: Wait a moment. Me a model!? It's impossible!

Omi: I'm begging you! I don't have much time too… And, I feel like I can take good photos.

Taichi: Director-sensei, we should help each other in times of need!

Izumi: Yeah…. Got it. Then, only this time!

Omi: Thank you! You're a great help.

Taichi: The photos you take, show them to me too~!


Omi: Around here is okay I guess. Director, I'm counting on you.

Izumi: Y-Yeah.

Omi: It's okay to act as natural as possible. So much, that you won't think there is a camera here.

Izumi: G-Got it!

Omi: Haha, your expression is stiff right from the get go.

Izumi: No no, I mean it makes you nervous!

Omi: Then, let's chat for a bit. Just like always, naturally.

Izumi: Yeah. But when the lens is facing me, I'm becoming conscious of it no matter what.

Omi: It's alright. Just talking with me like always is fine.

Omi: Let's see… Aa, something that happened yesterday when you was absent,

Omi: Seems like Citron said something weird again, and Tsuzuru retorted so hard he got tired.

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, the level of his retort is going up.

Omi: Right. Those two, if they just become a Manzai duo it would be good.

Izumi: Ahaha. Yeah, they would make a good due.

Omi: Aa, as I thought Director is better when smiling.

Izumi: ….

Omi: Hm? Your expression has returned.

Izumi: It's hard to laugh when being said that!

Omi: Haha, my bad my bad.

Translation note:

Manzai: a stand-up comedy which has two types of performers: Boke=funny man and Tsukkomi=straight man. Tsukkomi is the one who "retorts" to the boke's ridiculous behavior, aka Tsuzuru and Citron!

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