
Friday, September 29, 2017

Fushimi Omi - Mini Conversations

*Updated up to Halloween '17

How Wonderfully Picaresque 

[Conversation 1]

Omi: So Dewey is the villain… I ended up getting quite a showy role for a beginner.

Omi: In order to be able to make an evil face on the stage, I tried training on it in my everyday but…

Omi: Sakyo-san told me that "evil face" and "scary face" are different. I'm going to work on it until the  performance.

Omi: Please look forward to seeing my "evil face".

[Conversation 2]

Omi: …oh no, I forgot to buy canned tomatos.

Omi: I feel bad for saying it but Director, can you keep an eye on this pot? It's okay if you just mix it from time to time.

Omi: Even if Homare-san comes don't let him touch it even by mistake okay? ….and also, be careful of getting burnt.

Omi: Then, I'll be going.

[Conversation 3]

Omi: For dinner today, what would you like? Ah, something other than curry that is.

Omi: …well this is what I would like to say but, Director, seems like you've been working hard recently so even curry is fine.

Omi: I'll make it with you favorites. If you like, I'll add a dessert too.

Omi: Haha, to be so happy over such a thing, you're cute Director.

[Omi & Azuma]

Omi: Here, Azuma-san. Another cup of tea.

Azuma: Thank you, Omi. Fufu, Omi is really sensitive, it's cute.

Omi: Cute? Me?

Azuma: Yeah. You're kind and good at cooking, it is very cute.

Omi: Haha, if you're going to say that, Azuma-san is much cuter, and beautiful.

Azuma: …!

Omi: You're always smiling, you're mature and you're tolerant.

Azuma: …fufu, to think I'll be the one to get complimented instead. That kind of reaction is new to me.

Azuma: Yup. I'm taking a liking to Omi even more.

Omi: ?? Thank you…?


[Conversation 1]

Omi: I didn't think I would be doing the lead role, so honestly I was surprised.

Omi: Nervous… it would be a lie if I said I wasn't. But, I've been entrusted with this role so I want to perform it properly.

Omi: I want to make the best of my build, and create a protagonist that leaves an impact but…

Omi: With only the exterior, I won't be able to leave a real impact.

Omi: In the Autumn Troupe, there're many members with manly vigor. I have to do my best so as the leading actor I won't be pressured by them.

[Conversation 2]

Omi: Sometimes ago, I met Tsuzuru in the university library for the first time in a while.

Omi: Seems like Tsuzuru visits the library regularly. There're lots of stuff that can become material for screenplays and looks like he liked it.

Omi: He was scattering books around him and was researching things seriously, he said he didn't notice me being there until I talked to him.

Omi: His profile was very handsome. Next time, it might be good if I get him to model for me.

[Conversation 3]

Omi: The wool felt mascots? Ah, I made those.

Omi: From general handicrafts I love everything, but when I have time I often do wool felt.

Omi: Did you like this lion mascot?

Omi: If so, I'll arrange another one for you to use. Do you have a favorite color or accessories you want to attach?

Omi: You don't have to hold back. Me too, I'm happy to make one for Director.

Omi: I wonder how I am going to arrange it. I'm going to make it with great determination, so look forward to it.

[Omi & Yuki]

Yuki: So Mom, what other handicrafts can you make aside from wool felt and lace knitting?

 Right, I guess I can also do embroidery. I've also done cutwork and cross stitches before.

Yuki: Heh. What about knitting?

Omi: Yeah, I do it from time to time. Like stuffed toys, or accessories.

Sometimes soon I want to knit matching gloves for all the Company members.

Yuki: Just to what extent are you a Mom.

Omi: You too Yuki, you can use something another person knitted once in a while right? If you have a design you want, I will knit that design.

Yuki: ….I'll think about it.

University Students

[Conversation 1]

Omi: What exactly I'm doing in the photography club? Let's see… it has this feel of the so-called university circle.

Omi: It's full of guys who love to make noise, so we often go out drinking or to training camps. I always get the role of looking after the drunks though.

Omi: Saying that, we're all guys that came together because we like pictures, so we also do some serious activity. Every month we decide on a theme, then criticize each other's work…

Omi: That's right. It fits this month's theme perfectly, so won't you let me take pictures of you again like that other time?

Omi: What is the theme you ask? ….haha, that's a secret.

[Conversation 2]

Omi: You're asking if I meet Tsuzuru in the university? Hmm, just occasionally really. Since we're in different faculties – the business faculty and the literature faculty.

Omi: However, if we happen to meet we eat together in the cafeteria. Our cafeteria is cheap and the food is good. It's also useful for coming up with menus for dinner.

Omi: A menu I recommend? I like the chicken nanban special meal. Even after adding a salad, I still get change back.

Omi: If you like, you want to try and sneak in together Director? It's fine. If it's you Director no one will find out.

[Conversation 3]

Omi: I'm home. Today in university, the photo I took of you the other day for the contest became the topic of conversation.

Omi: The guys from the photography club were so noisy, asking persistently how we are related. I was able to avoid the topic somehow.

Omi: But there was someone who said he wants you to model for him too… I feel bad but I flatly turned him down.

Omi: My reason? Ah-…. I wonder what the reason is. Having him taking pictures of you Director with his camera, made me somehow frustrated.

Omi: I know I don’t have the right to think something like that. But, I have a feeling that if I tell that to the other Company members they would object too.

Director's smile, we want to monopolize it as much as we can. In return, we will make sure to make you laugh every day.

[Omi & Tasuku]

Tasuku: Fushimi, does your university have a soccer circle?

Omi: There are several. However, my hands are already full with the photography club and the theatre.

Tasuku: I see. Fushimi your muscles are quite good so it's a waste. Even within the theatre, we can't put together a futsal team just yet.

Omi: Speaking of which, you're inviting new members for the theatre's soccer club right. How is it progressing?

Tasuku: I invited Settsu, but his reaction wasn't very good.

If he gets to learn how good it feels to take a shower after sweating from working out, he would change his mind though…

Omi: Haha. Next time, let's try holding a trial meeting for new members. I'll make something light to eat for after we finish exercising, so let's use it as a bait.

Enjoy! Adult School Trip

[Conversation 1]

Omi: Of course, I'm planning to take my camera to the training camp.

Omi: I'm looking forward to take pictures of a different landscape, but I'm also looking forward to take pictures of everyone in the camp.

Omi: Seems like it's a hot springs inn, so I wonder if we're going to be sleeping in one big room. I'm also curious how the practice is going to be like in the training camp.

Omi: Saying that, I'm pretty excited about it too. Looks like I'm looking forward to going with everyone to the camp more than I thought.

[Conversation 2]

Omi: When I thought I want to use my free time to take pictures of the scenery around the inn, I bumped into Tsumugi-san.

Omi: Seems like Tsumugi-san was taking a walk too, and he said that it's the sticks here but nature is everywhere so it feels nice.

Omi: He also played table tennis with Taichi, and looks like he's having fun in practice--.

Omi: It's not easy to see he's in high spirits like Taichi, but seems like Tsumugi-san too, is enjoying this training camp to the fullest.

[Conversation 3]

Omi: Oh, Director. Have you been to the hot springs?

Omi: …ah, no, sorry for staring at you. With you wearing a yukata, the air around you is different than usual.

Omi: Of course, I mean it in a good way. It somehow feels like an adult woman, my heart was throbbing there for a moment.

Omi: Haha, I'm not making fun of you.

Omi: Maybe it would be good if I take a group picture of everyone with their yukatas. I'll try asking them later.

[Omi & Hisoka]

Omi: Yawns… so it's already morning.

Omi: Haha, as I thought when sleeping with everyone in one big room, waking up feels different.

Omi: Well then… Hisoka-san, it's morning. We have to wake up soon.

Hisoka: Zz, Zz…

Omi: Hisoka-san, please wake up. Let's go to eat breakfast.

Hisoka: Zzz, Zzz…

Omi: Hi-so-ka-saan. …it can't be helped, I'll use this marshmallow…

Hisoka: …munch. ….is it morning? Good morning…

Omi: Is it always like this with you? The Winter Troupe members, they must have it tough…

Dazzling☆Beachside PASSION

[Conversation 1]

Etude battle, huh. Who thought we'll come to help in a beach house and end up doing a performance battle.

Omi: But for the sake of the owner who believed in us we can't afford to lose.

It's alright, we also have reliable friends with us.

Omi: We have to win the battle, and let even more customers eat Director's Special Curry ● Beach House Version.

[Conversation 2]

Omi: Swimming in the ocean, and playing in the sand are all nice of course, but I want to try fishing too.

Omi: Fresh fish are very delicious, and to think I can prepare and eat a fish I caught by myself, it's the best.

Omi: I know, how about next time we go clamming with all the Company members? To pick Manila clam, common calm and razor clam.

Omi: It sounds like fun, and I feel that if it's gathering ingredients Sakyo-san would give an OK too.

[Conversation 3]

Director, here, a jacket.

Omi: Even if you put on sunscreen, when hit by sunlight, you get burnt after all right?

Omi: Are you drinking properly too? …well, I'm being too meddlesome, my bad.

Omi: Director is our precious director. I just end up doing it unintentionally.

Omi: And… with your swimsuit, you look somehow defenseless… or how to put it, that makes me worry a little…

Omi: No, it's nothing. It doesn't really matter.

[Omi & Kazunari]

Ha~ ♪ Having a blast with my boys is fun too, but taking it easy in the swimming tube is the best~!

Omi: Agreed. Feels as though we're making the best out of the summer.

Kazunari: Omimi, you have homework for summer break from your uni?

Omi: Ah-, I have some depending on the class. Like reports. Does art university have homework?

Sure does! Like landscape work.

Kazunari: "What should I draw~", I had worries like that, but coming to the beach today, I decided that I just have to draw something with the beach as a motif!

Kazunari: The sea and the sky, summer! A landscape with this feel gives the best of vibes! I can so see it already!

Omi: Haha, as expected from Kazunari. Once you complete it, I would like to see it.

Kazunari: 'course, I will I will!

Kazunari: But like, I thought so before but, Omimi and Takusu, you seriously have some badass bodies right!?

Kazunari: Next time, maybe I'll get the Autumn Troupe, Takusu and Tenten to line up to model for me!?

Omi: M-Model…?

Right right, like getting you to pose for me! Man, doesn't it sound super fun!? I'll be in y'care!

Omi: I'm going to ask just in case, but this doesn't happen to be, in nude or something right…?

Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer

[Conversation 1]

Omi: This time, I have an action scene with Sakyo-san right?

Omi: As I thought Sakyo-san is good with the sword fight, and he has amazing force. I have to fight strong enough so I can rival him.

Omi: I'll work hard so I can show the crowd an intimidating performance.

Omi: Speaking of which, it's the second time I play the villain but, am I, really this suited for villain roles…?

[Conversation 2]

Omi: Director, did you eat this madeleine cake? Azuma-san bought it for us.

Omi: He also took me before to a store famous for its superb sponge cakes, and as the rumors said it was delicious.

Omi: It seems to be a well known store regarded by a select few… as expected from Azuma-san, he knows his stuff. It was a good reference for making sweets.

Omi: Maybe I'll try baking a cake or something right away. Director you will eat too right?

[Conversation 3]

Omi: Director, what are you doing with your phone? – fry pans?

Omi: True, recently ours became a bit burnt, it might be a good idea to replace it.

Omi: Heh, this one comes with a matching spatula. What do you think Director? Which design do you like?

Omi: Haha, choosing it together like this is fun too.

Omi: If it's cookware I bought together with Director I would develop attachment, it would make me want to challenge new recipes even more.

Omi: If you have something you want to eat, don't hold back and request it.

[Omi & Masumi]

Omi: ….

Masumi: ….what.

Omi: Ah, my bad. I just wondered what you think about the tare sauce of the Vietnamese spring rolls.

Omi: Masumi, you like Vietnamese spring rolls right? Since the last time I made them, you ate more than you eat usually.

Omi: And then today I changed the tare, I just wondered if you like it--.

Masumi: …ood

Omi: Hm?

Masumi: …it was good. The taste of this tare, I pretty like it.

Omi: ….!

Omi: I see, that's good! I'll make it again sometimes.

Masumi: Yeah. …thanks for the food.

Tag Match: Halloween '17

[Conversation 1]

Omi: Typical Halloween costumes... somehow, I feel like they're different from our performance outfits.

Omi: Since I'm pairing with Tsuzuru, trying to match the theme for our costumes might be interesting too.

Omi: This time there's a large number of costumes, so seems like Yuki is busy. I want to help as much as I can too.

Omi: There's also a talk about holding a party in the dorms once the event is over, so I also have to make preparations for cooking.

Omi: There're so many things to do, but looks like everyone is enjoying, and I don't hate this kind of commotion.

[Conversation 2]

Omi: Director. Did you see Kamekichi's costume?

Omi: His costume is matching with the Manager's, and seems like he was quite into it. Seems like he also upgraded his feathers--.

Omi: Hm? You're curious to know what they wore?

Omi: If that's the case, you should go to the lounge. If it's now both of them are there aren't they? This is something worth seeing with your own eyes.

[Conversation 3]

Omi: Happy Halloween. Please, take these.

Omi: They're Halloween rice cookies with illustrations of ghosts and black cats. Seems like they're curry-flavored.

Omi: I found them while I went shopping. Even though, I understand that we're on the side that collects the candies this time.

Omi: The moment I found them, I remembered Director's smile, and ended up with that.

Omi: Today too, I wondered about the right timing to hand them to you. I'm happy you're glad.

Omi: Of course, my handmade candies are waiting for us in the dorms too. It would make me happy if you eat a lot.

[Omi & Tasuku]

Omi: There're many people with funny costumes too, but as I thought demons and monsters are the majority.

Tasuku: Right. We're rarely dressed this way, so I think it would be good if we make an etude that fits demons.

Omi: You have a point. ....something like that?

Tasuku: Yeah. A werewolf should also have a bit of a ferocious aura--.

Tasuku: Oh no, a kid that met my eyes is about to start crying...!

Omi: S-Sorry. It's alright. The~re there, we're a kind werewolf and a kind mummy~.

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